(re)Aligning with God: Reading Scripture for Church and World
This is my long awaited text on missional hermeneutics. I wrote it in order to help church planters, pastors and teachers of the Bible to proclaim the life transforming message of Scripture in our post-Christian, multi-cultural, pluralistic, and urbanized world.
Readers of (re)Aligning with God will:
(1) Find a clear summary of the Scriptural Story from
Creation to New Creation. The distinctive approach of (re)Aligning is that it
begins with Jesus’ announcement of the Kingdom and his calling of his first
disciples. (re)Aligning with God then
moves back to Creation in Genesis 1 and shows how the Old Testament narrative
moves forward to its climax in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. (re)Aligning with God then shows how the
early church under the empowerment of the Holy Spirit proclaims the good news of the Kingdom in anticipation of the New
Creation. Throughout readers will hear Scripture’s call to (re)align themselves
with God in order to live as a missional community that reflects God’s
character to/for/in the nations.
(2) Discover how Israel’s Prophets, the book of Psalms and
Israel’s Wisdom traditions fit into a missional approach. Most overviews of the
biblical narrative offer little or no reflection on this large block of
Old Testament Scripture. (re)Aligning with God offers a substantive reading of the role of the entire Old Testament including these often neglected sections. For example, regarding the book of Psalms, (re)Aligning
with God reflects on how to read it as God’s prayer book for God’s
missional people.
(3) Find a clear methodology for applying a missional
reading or hermeneutic to their own interpretive work on Scripture. I’ve worked
intentionally to offer a step-by-step guide to the process. This work comes out
of my own experiences in church planting, preaching/teaching in a wide variety
of settings, and teaching biblical interpretation to hundreds of pastors and
leaders at Asbury Theology Seminary.
(4) Learn key differences in reading the Bible for Church
(insiders/believers) and World (outsiders/seekers). As we seek to advance the
Christ following movement in the 21st century, it is critical to
read the Bible for both groups and do so critically and intentionally. (re)Aligning with God makes a compelling
case that we can do this effectively in ways that will lead to the renewal of
current Christ followers and the initial aligning of former outsiders with
Jesus’ kingdom.
(5) Encounter not only a summary of the over arching
missional narrative of the Bible, but read full interpretations of an OT book:
Jonah and a NT book: Philippians through the lens of a missional hermeneutic.
(6) Reflect on how to unleash the true power of Scripture to
transform its readers/hearers by implementing a missional reading within your
community of faith. (re)Aligning with God
offers practical suggestions and strategies that can be applied immediately to
your context.
If you have any questions, I am happy to converse in the comments below or via email: brian.russell9113 @ gmail.com.
Brian, bought your (re)Aligning with God, read it and love it. Like most new publications, it has a few very minor errata, and I'd love to provide a list of those to you or your publisher. May I, and how may I? I'm at Peregrino615@yahoo.com Thanks and blessings, Will Hensel, ATS MDiv 2000